Hydravid 2.0 and want to share with all. There is no need for the software to be nulled. Just use the email and licence key as stated in Q&A Qn 1 below.

Requested Here

There are also awesome bonuses by the product owner as well as from the affiliate Richard F, I bought the product from.

Info About Bonus Page

Info About Bonus From Richard F. Page

AIO Download Page (Mega)

Download And Install the New Install File (Version 2.9) here

The bonuses from the product owner and the affiliate are quite awesome on their own.

No need for mirrors. I maintain my uploads.


No need for mirrors. I maintain my uploads.

Edit: No Nulling Required. Just licence key which is provided in the Q&A below.

1. Question: Is this software nulled?
Answer: No nulling Is required. Once install and each time you need to launch the software
Just use the Email and Licence Key as below.

Licence Key

2. Question: What if I have a previous version installed?
Answer: Recommended to follow the following steps.
(a) Uninstall the previous version.
(b) Install the version 2.4 by Double clicking on the Icon found in the folder Main.
© Use any of the email and Licence Key as mentioned above and activate.

3. Question: What is the difference between Hydravid 1.0 and Hydravid 2.0?
Answer: This question was posed to Hydravid support desk and below is their response:
"This is a new program - built from the ground up. where Hydravid one had 4 sites, hydravid 2.0 has 8. Multi account usage, faster, safer, built in social backlinks, tons to it.
Hydravid 1 will no longer be updated
Because it was built from the ground up, we did ask that Hydravid 1 uers purchase the new version, however any update made to this brand new software will be included with your purchase for life."

4. Question: How Do I get the registration code for Hydravid X-ray (one of the main bonus software)?
Answer: Please see comment on Post #46
PM me if you are keen. Subject to comment in Post #46. Limit to 10 only.

Edit: 10 taken. 0 balance

Available to Whom:
Members with at least 100 reps / at least 1 share of a paid WSO / JVZoo product

Date Available
Feb 3, 2015

Timeframe for request:
Limited to 10 qualified members only

Total Value:
Special bonus with Hydravid 2.0

Total Requestor Slots Available:

Total $ Needed From Each Requestor:
$0. Complimentary

This Request is for:
Registration Code for Hydravid Vid X-Ray. Personal use only

Request Terms:
Due to the sensitivity of this personal Registration Code, this is for 10 qualified members only. Please do not share the Reg Code you receive.

Time Limit:
Until Slots Are Filled

Support Provided:
None. Since this is not a GB nor a BSO

Refund Policy:
None. Its free

Actually no support is provided for using the software since this is not a GB or a BSO,

However, For quick tips on installation of Hydravid 2.0
1) Step 1: Download the file named winrelease (this is found in the folder Main Software)
2) Step 2: Unzip the file.
3) Step 3: Double Click the icon named "HydraVid". It should be below the file ffmpeg.
4) The program should launch, asking your email and key